Recommended books
I've found these helpful and inspiring, perhaps you might too.

A fascinating tale of how sheep have affected human history. From our Neolithic ancestors' first sheep rearing to ancient Mesopotamia to the vast sheep farms of modern Australia, sheep have been central to the human story.

I love this book! It helped inspire me to think about the sheep, not just the wool. It follows a woman's mission to ensure the survival of a rare sheep breed from the Orkney islands, Scotland.

A guide to 600 patterns. From block drafts, double weaves, to herringbone, twill etc. Each shows a swatch, tie-ups, colour charts for threading sequence and work order. Really recommend this one for beginners to 4 shafts.

A thin but useful book by Elsa Krogh suitable for all experience levels, using varied techniques, with many old patterns from local museum archives. A good 'next step' from the handweaver's pattern book.

A 1905 US monograph by the International Correspondence Schools, serial 502. Contains 20 draft patterns and has many well illustrated and explained diagrams for weaving setup. Download free at

A collection of 1886 draft patterns for looms with 4 to 9 harnesses. Compiled by Emmanuel Anthony Posselt, published in the United States in 1914. Available as a digital download at

Collection of 7 monographs published in 1901-1902 in the United States by Charles Petzold. Contains 654 interesting drafts and can be downloaded from

A French weaving instructional guide (in French without translation) with many beautiful patterns, originally published in 1844. Available for download from with 658 draft patterns.

A book (in Janese without translation) published in Japan 1903 with interesting weaving patterns. Available at with 769 draft patterns.

A fast-paced account of the year Clara Parkes spent transforming a 676 pound (307 kg) bale of fleece into saleable yarn, and the people and vanishing industry she discovered along the way.

Covers 200 breeds (not just sheep). Profiling worldwide fiber-producers with each animal’s fleece at every stage of handcrafting, from raw to cleaned, spun, and woven.

Characteristics of wool for 100 sheep breeds. Provides fleece characteristics, methods of preparation and spinning, and best end use.

2500 interesting and unique Italian draft patterns, published in 1947 by Eugenio Poma (in Italian without translation). 2214 drafts can be downloaded (without the book) at

An enormous collection of textile patterns published in 1863 by Franz Donat including 300 plates and 9077 patterns. These can be purchased from or the book free via the link here

A manuscript from 1784 - 1810 by Christian Morath, Joseph Murllman, and others. Contains many hand penned drafts and patterns. 297 of them, and the book, can be downloaded at